Saturday, August 8, 2015

Martial Arts Resonates

It's not always obvious to us that our martial arts practice is improving our quality of life. In fact we are sore, bruised, and keenly aware of the physical toll our bodies pay for being on the path. Everyone gets a quick charge from getting a technique perfect in class or from seeing a Bruce lee Clip on Facebook, but how do we know that our martial arts practice is having a deeper, more profound effect on our lives instead of being one more way we describe ourselves to others?
For me the answer has always been about resonance. I knew that I was truly on the path when other parts of my life were being activated, enhanced, or otherwise improved as a result of my martial arts practice. Things as mundane as washing dishes became opportunities for reflection on water and circle principles that are the foundations for so many of our techniques. One day I noticed that my guitar playing was similar to my sparring style. I became more sensitive to the concepts of balance, syllogistic logic, and character development in literature. My putting stroke incorporated "power finger" technique. It was as if every part of my life was becoming deeper and more intricate as a result of my martial arts training. 
As schlocky as it may sound, I have used the film Independence Day as a metaphor for this idea of resonance. (When the "mother ship" gets close to our planet all of the alien technology on Earth gets activated.) 
Are aspects of life resonating with your practice? If so, you are seeing how martial arts practice is not just something you do a few days a week or a label you use to describe your interests. It's a part of the deeper fabric of your life - a tap into the universal. If you don't see the connection yet, keep showing up and working hard. It's there waiting for you. 

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